PyData Taipei 2020

GIS MOTC Convension Center 2F-4F

November 27-29, 2020
民國 109年 11月 27-29日

Keynote Speaker/主講人


魏澤人是交通大學 AI 學院副教授,也是機器學習 Google developers expert 及木刻思 (iiNumbers) 的AI及數學顧問。


高虹安為現任立法委員,經歷為鴻海科技集團工業大數據辦公室主任、鴻海人工智慧教育計畫主持人,目前正推動人工智慧科技發展與創新實驗條例、個人資料保護法、 先進行動通訊技術發展條例等等法案,為台灣科技環境追求更具前瞻遠景的目標。

Mosky Liu/劉依語

Mosky 是個熱愛 open source 精神的 Python 工程師,也是 Pinkoi 的 Backend Lead,工作時和同事一起打造能夠買到獨特禮物的設計品購物平台。 自從寫下人生第一支程式後,就難以忘懷以敘述為磚、邏輯為泥,堆砌出腦中藍圖的成就感,也熱愛分享自己所學,業餘時是 Python 課程講師,偶爾講點資料科學。也是數場國內外研討會的講者,包含臺灣的 PyCon、COSCUP、TEDxNTUST,以及在日本、新加坡、香港、韓國、馬來西亞等地的 PyCon。More: 。

Mosky has love with Python and open source, and is Backend Lead at Pinkoi, works with colleagues to build the best online marketplace for unique gifts. Since writing her first program, she has been using programming language to script virtual worlds from mental blueprints. She also loves sharing what she learned. She is teaching Python, working on Python projects, like Clime and MoSQL, and has spoken at PyCons, COSCUPs, TEDxNTUST in Taiwan, and PyCons in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, and Malaysia. More: .


Day 1, Nov 27 (Fri)

Time/時間 Plenary Hall/大會場 201 Meeting Room/201會議室 202 Meeting Room/202會議室
09:10 - 09:30 Opening Speech/開場致詞
09:30 - 11:00 Topic/主題: 學習如何學習深度學習
Keynote Speaker: 魏澤人副教授
11:15 - 12:00 Talk: Principle of building robust data pipelines with Apache Airflow
Speaker: Bryan Yang
Talk: PyPtt - PTT 登入式爬蟲
Speaker: CodingMan
Talk: 人人都可以上手的資料視覺化技巧
Speaker: 彭其捷(Jack)
Lunch Time/午餐時間
13:45 - 15: 15 PyData Keynote: Scaling Up Your Data Work With Dask
Speaker: James Bourbeau, Hugo Bowne-Anderson
Tea Time/下午茶時間
15:45 - 17:15 Tutorial:深度學習在醫療影像之應用 -- 以 X-Ray image 為例
Speaker: 林德全 (tclin)
Tutorial:uTensor: Deep Learning Inference Engine Born for Embedded System
Speaker: Dboy Liao
Tutorial:Taiwan Data Cube - Taiwan Satellite image Storage
Speaker: Tsai, Yu-Lin

Day 2, Nov 28 (Sat)

Time/時間 Plenary Hall/大會場 201 Meeting Room/201會議室 202 Meeting Room/202會議室
09:30 - 11:00 Keynote Speaker: 高虹安立法委員
11:15 - 12:00 Talk: Discovering the Power of Neural-Symbolic AI
Speaker: 蘇嘉冠 (Su JiaKuan)
Talk: Multitasking in a Single Threaded Engine - Scaling Machine Learning Without Changing Workflow
Speaker: Hsiao-Shan Chen
Talk: Is a Twitter user’s location correlated with their opinion on #COVID-19?
Lunch Time/午餐時間
13:45 - 15: 15 PyData Keynote: Panel: Dashboards for PyData
Speaker: James A. Bednar
Tea Time/下午茶時間
15:45 - 16:30 Talk: Performance Evaluation for Natural Language Understanding and Generation
Speaker: Hen-Hsen Huang
Talk: 誰識KOL? 2020台灣總統大選在 Facebook 上的社群網絡分析(II)
Speaker: 游騰林(Tony Yu)
Talk: Builing a successful data science team
Speaker: Justin J. Nguyen
16: 45 - 17:15 Lighting Talk/閃電演講

Day 3, Nov 29 (Sun)

Time/時間 Plenary Hall/大會場 201 Meeting Room/201會議室 202 Meeting Room/202會議室
09:30 - 11:00 Topic/主題: 後大數據時代的陷阱與機會
Keynote Speaker: Mosky Liu 劉依語
11:15 - 12:00 Talk: Apache Submarine – Cloud Native Machine Learning Platform
Speaker: Kevin Su
Talk: 假帳號的社會網絡分析
Speaker: Kevin Zeng 曾仲毅
Talk: Apply semantic and deep learning for corporate crisis detection
Speaker: Szu-Yao Chien
Lunch Time/午餐時間
13:45 - 14: 30 Talk: Skinny pandas riding on a rocket
Speaker: Ian Ozsvald
Speaker: Enzo Chang
Talk: 資料科學自動化 - Automation is all you need
Speaker: 劉俊廷
14:45 - 16:15 Job Fair/工作招聘會
16:30 - 17:00 Ending/閉幕

Venue / 會場

GIS MOTC Convension Center 2F-4F


Detail of the venue please visit GIS MOTC official page.



Early bird ticket/早鳥票

Release Time/發行時間:2020-11-02 12:30 - 2020/11/10 00:00 (已結束)

Price(Early bard/Regular)/票價(早鳥票/一般價)

Student /學生票:NT$ 1000/1500

Individual/個人票:NT$ 2000/3000

Enterprise/企業票:NT$ 3000/4500

Please go to the Kktix event page to purchase tickets.







PyData conferences bring together users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. The PyData community gathers to discuss how best to apply Python tools, as well as tools using R and Julia, to meet evolving challenges in data management, processing, analytics, and visualization.

We aim to be an accessible, community-driven conference, with tutorials for novices, advanced topical workshops for practitioners, and opportunities for package developers and users to meet in person.

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