by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
QuantEcon is dedicated to improving economic modeling by providing and enhancing open source computational tools for economists. QuantEcon offers code libraries useful for economics; workshops, seminars and training; and an online archive of lectures on economics and programming.
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
SunPy is a Python-based software library that provides tools for performing research using direct observations of the Sun and Heliosphere.
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
The Astropy Project provides software tools and infrastructure to facilitate research by professional astronomers. In addition to maintaining a core Python package, the Astropy Project supports the development of high-grade affiliated packages by members of the astronomical community.
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
The aim of the Econ-ARK project is to make it easier for social scientists to do ‘structural modeling’ of economic choice behavior by providing a well-documented, open source codebase containing the core techniques in a way that can be relatively easily adapted to address many different questions in both macro- and microeconomics.
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
FEniCS is an automated finite element library used to solve equations used in modeling, featuring a domain-specific language and automated code generation. Users input a problem that looks very much like mathematical notation; FEniCS then translates that into computer code.