NumFOCUS Sponsored Project since 2014The Astropy Project provides software tools and infrastructure to facilitate research by professional astronomers. In addition to maintaining a core Python package, the Astropy Project supports the development of high-grade affiliated packages by members of the astronomical community.
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Higher Education Research & Teaching
Data Wrangling
Statistical Computing
Numerical Computing
Text Processing
Subject Area Libraries
Astropy was one of the projects used in the LIGO gravitational waves discovery. Astropy is used by a large and growing number of organizations and projects worldwide, including: the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA); the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope pipelines, including many instrumentation support, observation planning, and data analysis codes; science pipelines for the forthcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope; many European Southern Observatory (ESO) instrument pipelines, including (e.g.) the MUSE Python Data Analysis Framework; Gemini Observatory’s science, data quality, and reduction pipelines; the pipeline framework for the Cherenkov Telescope Array; major SDSS surveys, including MaNGA, APOGEE, and eBOSS; codebases for the SAMI Galaxy Survey and the Close AGN Reference Survey; and Astropy’s table and units functionality is also used by organizations outside of astronomy, including the Norway Mapping Authority.
Python in Astronomy
Python in Astronomy is a conference series focusing on the use, development, and community surrounding Python packages for all types of Astronomy.