Start a PyData Meetup
How to set up a PyData Meetup chapter
Interested in organizing a Meetup? Read the guidelines below and email [email protected] to get started.
PyData is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity in the United States. Through the combined efforts of NumFOCUS staff and the PyData community, we have created a strong brand recognized for conferences that:
- Deliver valuable content from excellent speakers and presenters;
- Serve the community through a strong organized network;
- Provide beneficial sponsorship opportunities;
- Give attendees a place to share and exchange knowledge, as well as to network with others in the field of data science; and
- Uphold the high standards of conduct and conference diversity held by NumFOCUS
The following guidelines will be used for all PyData events:
- It is the policy of NumFOCUS that each PyData meetup chapter needs to have a robust code of conduct with clear avenues indicating how to address an issue that may arise. The PyData Code of Conduct is the suggested model that we provide, with the understanding that it was written with the U.S. context in mind. Organizers are free to modify it or write their own code of conduct that best suits the needs of their particular community, but unique PyData meetup chapter codes of conduct are subject to approval by NumFOCUS. Please contact [email protected] if you’d like to use a unique Code of Conduct.
- As part of our commitment to diversity, we strongly urge meetup organizers to include women and underrepresented minorities in the selection of invited speakers for your local events. We also encourage you to make use of the DISCOVER Cookbook for best practices around diversity and inclusion.
- We encourage organizers to schedule meetings at least once a month.
- To ensure the success and sustainability of the meetup, we find it is best to have two or more co-organizers.
- In the event that you need to step down as an organizer, we require you to make the PyData/NumFOCUS Meetup account a co-organizer prior to stepping down, inform NumFOCUS ([email protected]), and request that you identify someone to take your place.
- NumFOCUS will pay the monthly cost of the Meetup website. By linking your meetup to the PyData network pro account, billing will be transferred to NumFOCUS. Keep in mind that Meetup still requires billing information from new organizers, but you will not be charged for the PyData meetup.
- Because NumFOCUS is paying the cost of the Meetup website, members may not be charged a membership fee or any entry fee for events without prior written approval from NumFOCUS.
Starting a PyData Meetup Chapter
The Basics
The work of an individual PyData chapter and its vitality definitely falls on the shoulders of the chapter organizer(s). The nature of each chapter is really up to the local community. We strongly encourage you to customize the settings of your Meetup, including what members are called, setting a welcome message, potentially asking questions that new members should answer when joining, etc. Craft it to fit your local context and personality! (Be sure to abide by the Code of Conduct when setting up all of the above.)
We also provide resources to support volunteer PyData organizers, including a Meetup Organizers Slack Channel and a Google Drive with a variety of helpful files.
What to Do
You might look at past events of other PyData meetup chapters for ideas of what types of meetings to plan. We have a Youtube channel full of presentations that you are free to screen at your events.
How to Get Members
Meetup itself will suggest your group to Meetup members who have related interests, so that is an easy way that the group ought to grow itself. When setting up your meetup, we suggest choosing a variety of interest areas to help potential new members discover your meetup. We also recommend doing proactive outreach to related Python and Data Science meetups to plan collaborative activities.
Social Media (Twitter)
If you’d like us to tweet something out on our @PyData and @NumFOCUS Twitter accounts about the new group to help you connect with potential members, we can certainly do that! Please email [email protected] with your request.
You are also welcome to create a PyData Twitter account for your own chapter—please tag @PyData and @NumFOCUS in your first tweet so that we can add you to our list of local chapters and retweet your account.
Ready to get started? Email [email protected]
Setting Up Your Meetup
What will your Meetup be about?
We suggest that you select:
- Data Science
- Data Science using Python
- Open source Python
- Data Analytics
- Data Visualization
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- Big Data
- Statistical Computing
- High Scalability Computing
What will be your Meetup’s name?
Describe who should join, and what your meetup will do
PyData is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. PyData provides a forum for the international community of users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. The global PyData network promotes discussion of best practices, new approaches, and emerging technologies for data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. PyData communities approach data science using many languages, including (but not limited to) Python, Julia, and R.
The PyData Code of Conduct governs this meetup. To discuss any issues or concerns relating to the code of conduct or the behavior of anyone at a PyData meetup, please contact the local group organizers (message us on the meetup page). Please also submit a report of any potential Code of Conduct violation directly to NumFOCUS: Thank you for helping us to maintain a welcoming and friendly PyData community!
PyData Logos

We can send each meetup chapter a logo with your specific location as a .pdf and as a .png.
If you want to make your own version of the logo (for example, as Berlin did), you must first send the proposed logo to [email protected] for approval. All proposed variations of the PyData logo must be submitted for approval to NumFOCUS prior to use.
Please List Numfocus as a Group Sponsor

Sponsor name:
Sponsor description:
Promoting open code for better science
If we can be of further help, let us know! ([email protected])