Ahmet Erdem |
Genetic Regex
Alexander CS Hendorf |
Speech Synthesis with Tacotron2 and PyTorch
Alex Conway |
Sebenz.ai - South African job creation through gamified data labeling for machine learning
Amit Beka |
Annotating data the right way
Anahita Farokhi |
Text analytics on annual reports
Anni Sapountzi |
Remember what you learn: “A spaced repetition model for online skill acquisition"
Camille Couturier |
Hands on: build a recommender system
Diederik Greveling |
Building a Multi-Core apply function for pandas
Eltjona Qato |
Text analytics on annual reports
Eva van Weel |
What’s the uncertainty on your ML prediction?
Fabian Jansen |
What’s the uncertainty on your ML prediction?
Floriana Zefi |
Using Markov Chain approximation to identify financial fraud
Francesco Cardinale |
Low to High Resolution: a walk through an Image Super-Resolution project with CNNs and GANs
Hidde Hovenkamp |
SHAP and beyond: interpretable machine learning applications for intensive care doctors
Ivo Everts |
Continuous online experimentation: 101 A/B tests for personalised news.
James Powell |
Python Disfluencies
Jan van der Vegt |
A walk through the isolation forest
Jonatan Samoocha |
Hacking Fitness - Dealing With Uncertainty in Athletic Performance Prediction
Jurjen Feitsma |
Looking at Sound: computer vision techniques in audio classification
Karlijn Zaanen |
Efficient Transfer Learning for Machine Translations @Booking.com
Lena Shakurova |
How to expand your NLP solution to new languages using transfer learning
Lucas Bernardi |
Casual notes about Causal stuff
Maarten Sukel |
Open-source City - Improving livability of the city using publicly available resources.
Marcel Raas |
Having fun with music and Keras
Marianne Hoogeveen |
Plant factory: sensor data, machine learning and optimization for data-driven vertical farming
Matthijs |
Continuous online experimentation: 101 A/B tests for personalised news.
Max Halford |
Online machine learning with creme
Nick Jones |
Uber's Synthetic Control Experimentation Framework When A/B Tests are Not Possible
Ondrej Kokes |
High on cardinality, low on memory
Ralf Gommers |
The evolution of array computing in Python
Ritchie Vink |
Build Facebook's Prophet in PyMC3; Bayesian time series analyis with Generalized Additive Models
Robin Bakker |
Genetic Regex
Sam Barrows |
Uber's Synthetic Control Experimentation Framework When A/B Tests are Not Possible
Sanne Vrijenhoek |
Popping the filter bubble: measuring diversity in news recommendations
Sarah Diot-Girard |
How to easily set up and version your Machine Learning pipelines, using DVC and MLV-tools
Sasha Romijn |
Keynote: Why our products and communities need our empathy
Satendra Kumar |
Efficient Transfer Learning for Machine Translations @Booking.com
Stéphanie Bracaloni |
How to easily set up and version your Machine Learning pipelines, using DVC and MLV-tools
Susanne Groothuis |
Case Study: Making the subjective measurable. Sentiment Analysis on Sustainability reporting
Swaan Dekkers |
Open-source City - Improving livability of the city using publicly available resources.
Valentin Haenel |
Create CUDA kernels from Python using Numba and CuPy.
Vincent D. Warmerdam |
The Profession of Solving (the Wrong Problem)
Wilder Rodrigues |
Improving Machine Learning Workflow - Training, Packaging and Serving your Models
Wouter de Winter |
Looking at Sound: computer vision techniques in audio classification
Wouter Kuijpers |
Keynote: Robots for Football