Sunday 10:50–11:25 in Megatorium

Low to High Resolution: a walk through an Image Super-Resolution project with CNNs and GANs

Francesco Cardinale

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We'll have a look at how we obtained an image upscaling, or super-resolution (ISR), artifact removing, detail enriching network: a short literature review, the implementation and combination of a few SOTA neural networks for ISR and insights, tips and tricks (and issues) from the training process which uses, in the later steps, a form of perceptual loss with VGG and GANs.


Single-image super resolution (ISR) addresses the problem of reconstructing high-resolution images given their low-resolution (LR) counterparts. ISR finds use in various computer vision applications: from security and surveillance imaging, satellite imaging, medical imaging to object recognition. This ill-posed problem has multiple solutions for any LR input. Deep learning approaches, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNN) have proven to be able to achieve better results than the classic interpolation based methods. At we are using this technology to ensure a 4K image for each product in our catalog.

In this talk I'll briefly introduce some of the recent literature, I would also touch upon the main parts of our project, which includes a Keras implementation and training of a combination of some of the SOTA architectures for ISR.

Specifically, we will go through the different training steps, analyzing the results from each of them and derive insights that ultimately helped us improve the model performance:

To conclude: I would like to present some ideas for the next steps, share some of the lessons learned and, in hindsight, comment on what I would have done differently.

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