by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
The aim of the Econ-ARK project is to make it easier for social scientists to do ‘structural modeling’ of economic choice behavior by providing a well-documented, open source codebase containing the core techniques in a way that can be relatively easily adapted to address many different questions in both macro- and microeconomics.
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
yt is a tool for querying, analyzing and visualizing objects or regions of interest to identify emergent properties in data available in a variety of real-world research data formats. Initially developed for use by professional astronomers, yt can be applied in a variety of domains including astrophysics, seismology, nuclear engineering, molecular dynamics, and oceanography.
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
FEniCS is an automated finite element library used to solve equations used in modeling, featuring a domain-specific language and automated code generation. Users input a problem that looks very much like mathematical notation; FEniCS then translates that into computer code.
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
SymPy is a library for symbolic mathematics, which means performing mathematical calculations exactly (as opposed to inexact numeric calculations from libraries such as NumPy).
by dev_nfpd_admin | Nov 8, 2017
The Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox is devoted to making machine learning tools available for free, to everyone. It provides efficient implementation of all standard ML algorithms.