Łukasz Słabiński

Łukasz Słabiński

Łukasz Słabiński is the head of Artificial Intelligence Department at Samsung R&D Institute Poland. He has over 13 years of experience in research, development and leading Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Data Mining and Bioinformatics projects. Over the years he has been working at universities as a lecturer, research institutes as a researcher, startup as co-founder and CTO, finally in Samsung Electronics as a manager. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Silesian University of Technology in 2009. Currently, he is leading one of the biggest AI team in Poland. More information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukasz-slabinski-44408210/


Pragmatic application of Machine Learning in commercial products.

Monday 17:45–18:15 in Track 3

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