
Lynn Cherny


  Lynn Cherny 


Lynn Cherny teaching and consulting work focuses on data analysis and presentation for insight: data mining, scraping/cleaning/reformatting, text analysis and mining, databases, interactive visualization for actionable insights.
She has been a consultant or employee for companies including TiVo, Adobe, AT&T Labs, Autodesk, and internet startups, doing work such as statistical programming in R and Python, text clustering, data analysis on survey data and software usage logs, design for bioinformatics tools, dashboard mockups, and soup-to-nuts interaction design. She has a Ph.D. in Linguistics, and her passion is contributing to "data-driven design."


Aleksandra Przegalińska

Aleksandra Przegalińska


Aleksandra Przegalińska has PhD in Artificial Intelligence. She is an assistant professor at the Center for Research on Organizations and Workplaces at Koźminski University. She conducts research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. She is a graduate of The New School for Social Research in New York, where she participated in research on identity in virtual reality, with special emphasis on Second Life. She is interested in the development of new technologies, especially green and sustainable technology, humanoid artificial intelligence, social robots and wearable technologies. 

 Gene Kogan

Gene Kogan

Gene Kogan is an artist and a programmer who is interested in generative systems, computer science, and software for creativity and self-expression. He is a collaborator within numerous open-source software projects, and gives workshops and lectures on topics at the intersection of code and art. Gene initiated ml4a, a free book about machine learning for artists, activists, and citizen scientists, and regularly publishes video lectures, writings, and tutorials to facilitate a greater public understanding of the subject.

Stefania Druga

Stefania Druga

Stefania Druga is the creator of Cognimates platform for AI education and a research associate at MIT Media Lab. Currently she is also leading Hackidemia organization (mobile lab for maker Education present in 40 countries), Afrimakers (community of Maker projects in 10 African countries) and MakerCamp (global camps for learning how to build and run makerspaces).


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