Piotr Migdał

Piotr is an independent data science consultant focusing on machine learning, deep learning and data visualization. He holds a PhD in quantum physics from ICFO, Barcelona. He co-founded In Browser AI.

Piotr worked on numerous projects with deepsense.ai on computer vision and gave trainings to companies such as Intel and BCG. He collaborates with RaRe Technologies on natural language processing workshops.

Piotr is the author of a popular blog post series introducing readers to data science:

In his free time, he created the Quantum Game with Photons and is a volunteer teacher of gifted high-school students. He founded the Data Science PL Facebook group - the biggest such community in Poland. Piotr has lectured at Imperial College London and given talks at Caltech and the Bay Area D3.js User Group, among other places.

He authored open source Python packages:


In Browser AI - neural networks for everyone

Monday 16:10–16:40 in Track 2

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