This interactive workshop will introduce you to the basics of building dashboards with a Python framework called Dash. We’ll show how to create app layouts and make it react to user input.
Slide decks have been the most popular tools for presenting data for years. They still are a good way to share the results of your analyses. However, slide decks lack interactivity. There are cases where you want your users to play with the data or it just make more sense to force them to play with it. If you need to show you users the same plot for 100 product, would you rather design a solution that let’s them choose the product from a dropdown or generate a slide deck with 100 slides? That’s where Dash come into play.
Dash is an Python framework designed for analysts, that makes it easy to build interactive dashboards without the knowledge of web application languages like HTML, CSS of JavaScript.
This interactive workshop will introduce you to the basics of building dashboards with Dash. We will go through: - what is Dash and why should you use it, - basics of Plotly, - creating the app layout, - making the app react to user input (basics of callbacks)