

[et_pb_fullwidth_header_extended title=”Blosc” subhead=”NumFOCUS Sponsored Project since 2019″ exclude_pages=”off” exclude_posts=”off” content_animation=”fadeIn” button_one_animation=”fadeIn”...


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yt is a tool for querying, analyzing and visualizing objects or regions of interest to identify emergent properties in data available in a variety of real-world research data formats. Initially developed for use by professional astronomers, yt can be applied in a variety of domains including astrophysics, seismology, nuclear engineering, molecular dynamics, and oceanography.

FEniCS Project

FEniCS Project

FEniCS is an automated finite element library used to solve equations used in modeling, featuring a domain-specific language and automated code generation. Users input a problem that looks very much like mathematical notation; FEniCS then translates that into computer code.



PyTables is an efficient method for storing and querying both numerical and textual data. PyTables provides seamless access to the convenient HDF5 library, a popular container for datasets that can grow to terabytes and beyond.