Photo of Carlos Afonso

Carlos Afonso

Data Scientist with diverse industry experience and STEM background, based in NYC.

Corporate consulting experience solving Data Science problems for diverse clients (nonprofit to Fortune 100) in various industries (healthcare, finance, etc).

Research toward PhD in Biomedical Engineering (University of Oxford, UK), unfinished; One-year doctoral training in Computational Biology (IGC, Portugal); and MSc in Physics Engineering (IST, Portugal).

Created the Visualizing the 2019 Measles Outbreak open-source project, and presented part of this project at the PyData NYC 2019 conference as a tutorial about Visualizing the 2019 Measles Outbreak in NYC (with Python). The tutorial notebook is available both as a Jupyter notebook and as a static HTML page.

Passionate about leveraging Data Science to find and communicate insightful solutions for important problems. Interested in Data Science opportunities in NYC.

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Visualizing the 2019 Measles Outbreak in NYC (with Python)

Wednesday 9:00 AM–10:30 AM in Broadway (5202)

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