PyData London 2018

26-29 April 2018

Thursday 26 April: Beginners Bootcamp
Friday 27 April: Tutorials
Sat-Sun 28-29 April: Talks and Keynotes

Venue: The Tower Hotel (St. Katharine's Way, London E1W 1LD)

Keynote Speakers

Charles Boutaud, data journalism expert and Tech Lead of The Bureau Local at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Holden Karau, Apache Spark committer and Developer Advocate at Google Cloud
Emmanuelle Gouillart, skimage developer and Director of the Laboratory at Unité mixte CNRS/Saint-Gobain Surface du Verre et Interfaces
Luba Elliott, Creative AI Researcher at

Beginners Bootcamp (Thursday)

Beginners Bootcamp Venue: Google Academy, Level 3, 123 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SH

Tickets are only £20 (to contribute to catering costs) and includes lunch and coffee breaks. Conference attendees get a 50% discount!

The PyData London Beginners Bootcamp is a full day, 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Thursday April 26, 2018 and welcome to anyone new to python or want a crash-course on data analytics in Python. This will hopefully give you the foundation to attend the following conference tutorials and talks.

The event is inspired by the popular Django Girls tutorials (which has grown to 386 countries since the first tutorial in 2014) and Harry Percival's tutorials (of Obey the Testing Goat fame) at Pycon and EuroPython, and is structured as a couple of short talks + self-directed learning sessions, where attendees divide up into small groups (eg: 2-4 attendees + a coach) and work through a series of notebooks/tutorials while assisted by our helpful coaches.

The tutorials vary by difficulty and focus on different areas of data science. Here are some concepts you may be introduced to depending on which notebooks your group chooses:
- scraping & useful public api's to access data
- using pandas to clean, analyze and manipulate data
- options to share your notebooks, visualize your data (eg: from within a Jupiter notebook, from a website...)

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PyData conferences bring together users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. The PyData community gathers to discuss how best to apply Python tools, as well as tools using R and Julia, to meet evolving challenges in data management, processing, analytics, and visualization.

We aim to be an accessible, community-driven conference, with tutorials for novices, advanced topical workshops for practitioners, and opportunities for package developers and users to meet in person.

For more information about the conference series, visit:

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