Titus von Köller

Titus von Köller

After having completed an undergraduate education in Psychology, I am currently pursuing my Master's in Computer Science. While writing the thesis for my psychology studies, I came to view programming as unique perspective onto the world. In the abstract, psychology, too, studies processes and interactions between processes and it seemed intuitive to me, that programming could be key in making the abstract behind descriptive wording tangible through the real-world implementation of functional models. Therefore, I got into programming, learned Python, and completed a from scratch agent-based model on simple models of cognition in Python and IPython Notebook as an experimental basis for the aforementioned thesis.

Since then, I have been hooked on computing and completely changed field of study in joining a Master program in CS at a Swiss university. In order to remain admitted in the program, I had to basically complete a condensed undergraduate program in a single year. I succeeded in all those debit courses and am now intensively studying to finish by the summer of 2017.

Currently building a strong theoretical foundation in CS, I continue to see it as a unique and extremely useful view onto and tool relative to any phenomenon and wish to unite the perspectives I gained through my unique education in my future as a professional.

For this summer, I am looking to find good a internship to balance the theoretical with a strong practical experience in real software development in a real team, using git in a team, a real build system, continuous integration, unit testing, and with modern infrastructure like Docker and AWS.


more psychologists need to learn python – programming as a perspective on the world

Saturday 15:00–15:30 in Room 1


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