Gregory Kamradt

Gregory Kamradt

Greg is a Senior Growth Analyst on the Product Data Science Team at Salesforce. The Product Data Science team is an amazing group of data scientists who are building predictive apps for internal and customer use cases. We also utilize our apps and analyses to help with trial conversions, targeted marketing campaigns, generate pipeline, close deals, cross-sell/upsell, and reduce attrition.

Prior to Salesforce, Greg was a financial analyst within the high tech and online media space. He earned a degree in Business from Loyola Marymount University. He has previously presented at PyData NY 2015. Greg's data interests include user behavior, time-series, and spatial-temporal analysis. On the weekends you can find Greg in Tahoe, Yosemite, or making pizza.


Derivation & Presentation: How to Effectively Tell A Data Science Story In A Business Environment

Sunday 9:45 AM–10:30 AM in Speakeasy