Sunday 9:45 AM–10:30 AM in Speakeasy

Derivation & Presentation: How to Effectively Tell A Data Science Story In A Business Environment

Gregory Kamradt

Audience level:


Data Science is essential for driving business value in the 21st century. This talk will focus on 1. Doing data science in the work place through a business lens and 2. Communicating that data message to your external stakeholders to drive actionable change. The audience will leave with an alternative understanding of take home tests, interviews, data communication and ultimately ...story-telling.


Main message: Generating business value through data science has two forms, Derivation (doing analysis with a business eye) and Presentation (communicating the results effectively), conquering both results in positive and actionable change!

Part 1: Derivation - How do you get into the mind of your stakeholders? How do you prescribe actionable change (real business value) through data. How do you manage your external stakeholders and their trade offs? This portion is all about creating value for the business from a data perspective

Part 2: Presentation - Once you have your business insights, how do you communicate these insights effectively to your stakeholders? Often product managers and exec only require a high level of data-detail when confronted with a business decision. How can you effectively abstract your data-insights for different audiences.

My favorite line from this section is a rhetorical question, "Does your audience need to see a graph? Or do they only need to understand the message the graph is saying? Do you even need to show a graph?"