8:00 AM |
Breakfast & Registration
9:15 AM |
Data science at The New York Times: a mission-driven approach to personalizing the customer journey
Chris Wiggins, Anne Bauer
10:05 AM |
Deep Dive into scikit-learn's HistGradientBoosting Classifier and Regressor
Thomas J Fan
Julia for Pythonistas
Kelly Shen
Improve the efficiency of your Big Data application
Francesc Alted, Christian Steiner
The Echo-Chamber of Your Social Media Feed
Tamar Yastrab
Unconference - Using GPUs in Python/Julia/R Applications
Fireside Chat
Chris Wiggins
conda-forge sprint
Marius van Niekerk
10:45 AM |
Coffee Break
10:55 AM |
Every ML Model Deserves To Be A Full Micro-service
Romain Cledat
Dealing With Imbalanced Classes in Machine Learning
Aditya Lahiri
Production Code in Data Science Consulting
Akos Furton
High-Performance Data Science at Scale with RAPIDS, Dask, and GPUs
Keith Kraus
Unconference - 10:55: Contributing to Open Source, 11:40: Data Science Education
Steve Dower, Allen Downey
Introduction to Bayesian Modeling with Stan: No Statistics Background Required (Pt 1)
Breck Baldwin
conda-forge sprint
Marius van Niekerk, Christopher J "CJ" Wright
11:40 AM |
Clean Machine Learning Code: Practical Software Engineering Principles for ML Craftsmanship
Moussa Taifi Ph.D.
Discover your latent food graph with this 1 weird trick
Alex Egg, Emily A Ray, Parin Choganwala
Colorism in High Fashion (featuring: K-Means Clustering)
Malaika Handa
12:20 PM |
Lunch - Sponsored by FactSet
1:00 PM |
Closing remarks @ Central Park West
1:20 PM |
Stars, Planets, and Python
Sara Seager
2:10 PM |
tf-explain: Interpretability for Tensorflow 2.0
Raphaël Meudec
Type-Driven Automated Learning with Lale
Martin Hirzel
Data-centric exploration using intake, dask, hvplot, datashader, panel, and binder
Julia Signell
Genetic algorithms: Making errors do all the work
Raman Tehlan
Fireside Chat
Sara Seager
Introduction to Bayesian Modeling with Stan: No Statistics Background Required (Pt 2)
Breck Baldwin
Unconference - 2:10: Software Engineering for Data Scientists, 2:55: Equity and Algorithmic Fairness
2:55 PM |
Building a maintainable plotting library
Colin Carroll, Hannah Aizenman, Thomas Caswell
Implementing Lightweight Random Indexing for Polylingual Text Classification
Ian Whalen
Should I develop my own DS library? Maybe.
Piero Ferrante
How and why to put your Jupyter notebooks in Docker containers
Brian Austin
Unconference - Native Extension Modules
3:35 PM |
3:45 PM |
The Secret Life of Python
Steve Dower
Free Your Esoteric Data Using Apache Arrow and Python
Maciej Wojton
The Inspection Paradox is Everywhere
Allen Downey
Painting A Picture of Public Data
Kamal Abdelrahman
Unconference - 3:45: Design Thinking for Data Science, 4:30: Open
Introduction to Bayesian Modeling with Stan: No Statistics Background Required (Pt 3)
Breck Baldwin
PyData Pop Quiz
James Powell
4:30 PM |
Reproducibility in ML Systems: A Netflix Original
Ferras Hamad
Sloth & ENVy
James Powell
A How-to guide for migrating legacy data applications
Marius van Niekerk, Rohit Kapur
Building Software and Communities With Peer Review
Noam Ross
Stump the Chump
Thomas Caswell, Anthony Scopatz, Paul Ganssle
5:15 PM |
Lightning Talks @ Music Box
6:00 PM |
7:00 PM |
Invitation only: Speaker Social Reception sponsored by Two Sigma
9:00 PM |