Thursday 5:00 PM–5:40 PM in Radio City (#6604)

Conda-forge: community-driven packaging that works for you

Marius van Niekerk

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Conda-forge is a community-driven, cross-platform effort to package the libraries we all use. Learn how conda-forge works and how you can use it as a resource to package and distribute your code and dependencies!


Building, validating and distributing packages across platforms, languages, and userbases is a challenging problem. The lack of constraints makes this more difficult than packaging for a single operating system or language as the parameter space is larger and some packages are not friendly to operating on all systems.

Maintaining a self-consistent ecosystem which “just works” while still being open to any languages, build targets, and maintainers is at the heart of the problem conda-forge aims to solve. Conda-forge addresses these issues to create a community resource that is simultaneously:

These features are achieved by combining a simple GitHub workflow with powerful CI tools, distributed package reviews, and heavy automation to provide ease of use and accelerate delivery of the most up-to-date code.

We’ll cover how to use conda-forge as an end-user, go through how our automation flow works and how users can submit packages of their own to be packaged by conda-forge.

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