Tuesday 2:25 PM–3:05 PM in Central Park West 6501 (6th fl)

Wrangling and Evaluating Financial Datasets

Philip Brittan

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In Information Supply Chain Logistics there is a demand to help companies discover relevant sources of data and help them evaluate that data for fitness to the needs of their use cases. We share our insights in orchestration of the supply chain of financial datasets to wrangle and ultimately evaluate the data itself.


Investors are constantly on the hunt for data that gives them an edge relative to the market. Given the deluge and breadth of datasets currently available and constantly being released, the importance for researchers to quickly understand whether a given dataset may add valuable signal to their trading models has never been greater.

We use python and the Google Cloud Platform to wrangle raw data into a state we can evaluate and understand the dataset in. We will walk through the orchestration of tools to process information to drive you to make a decision to use or avoid specific data. The end result will be a better understanding of how to wrangle and evaluate financial datasets on the cloud to more rapidly make a go or no-go decision.

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