
PyData Impact Hackathon

Nov 22 - 24, 2024

A three-day hybrid (virtual-first) hackathon organized by the PyData Impact Scholarship Program, with a focus on AI and positive social impact.

Are you interested in participating, or would like to contribute as a mentor?

What is

PyData Global Impact Scholarship group (Impact Hackathon Committee), under the NumFOCUS umbrella, is organizing an online, AI-focused hackathon in November 2024.

The Hackathon is open to anybody who registers. Teams of at least 3 members are encouraged, and opportunities to form teams two-weeks prior to the Hackathon will be announced.

The event will start Friday Nov 22, and end Sunday Nov 24. Exact times TBD.


Learn new skills and technologies - Hackathons provide an intense, hands-on learning environment where participants can acquire new skills, explore unfamiliar technologies, and tackle challenging problems.

Meet new people - Excellent networking opportunity, allowing participants to connect with like-minded individuals, potential collaborators, and industry professionals.

Win prizes - A chance to showcase your work compete to win prizes.

Solve real-world problems - An opportunity to make an impact.

How to
Get Started?

What can you do now?
Sign up for our pre-registration form to stay informed with the latest announcements and exclusive opportunities.

September - November
Stay informed - We will share important information on the hackathon details, including: project guidelines, good practices in building a team, main communication channels, social media accounts and other.

November 4th - November 17th
Register your team to attend the competition. You will need the following information to register your team: name and surname of the team members, their contact information, time zones, team name and the project description and the category. More information will be available at the end of October.

We can't wait to hack with you!

Dates and Deadlines

Teams Registration Period

Nov 4 - Nov 17


Nov 22 - Nov 24


Dec 3

Pre-registration Open Now


Collaborate with the community to tackle emerging challenges. Explore new AI applications and partnerships to create innovative solutions for a better world.

As a team, you will decide which type of challenge you are going to tackle (What?), as well as the type of solution that you are building (How?). For example you can use an application that uses pre-built AI model aiming increasing Financial Inclusion in your area.

The What

Project topic categories

  • Financial Inclusion

    Leverage AI to create innovative solutions that expand access to financial services for underserved populations. Develop tools to improve financial literacy, credit scoring, and lending for individuals and small businesses.


    Use AI to optimize agricultural practices, increase food production, and address challenges like climate change and food security. Build tools for precision farming, crop monitoring, and supply chain management.

  • Education

    Utilize AI to enhance learning experiences and improve educational outcomes. Create tools for personalized learning, accessibility, teacher support, and student well-being.

    Healthcare and Wellness

    Develop AI-powered solutions to improve healthcare delivery, disease prevention, mental health support, and patient outcomes. Explore areas like medical imaging analysis, drug discovery, and remote patient monitoring.


    Create AI-driven technologies to empower people with disabilities. Develop solutions for assistive devices, communication tools, and inclusive environments.

  • Environment and Sustainability

    Harness AI to address pressing environmental challenges. Build solutions for climate change mitigation, resource conservation, disaster response, and sustainable agriculture.

    Disaster Response and Humanitarian Aid

    Apply AI to optimize relief efforts, improve early warning systems, and provide critical support during and after disasters. Build tools for resource allocation, communication, and community resilience.

The How

Technical project categories


Build applications that utilize existing machine learning algorithms or AI models


Architect and train models, customize existing algorithms, or fine-tune on novel datasets


Exploratory data analysis, visualization, predictive modeling, and storytelling.








Sponsor Awards

Details coming soon

Platform Credits

Details coming soon

Community Favorite

Details coming soon

Become a

Join us as a sponsor for NumFOCUS’s inaugural PyData-branded hackathon!

Benefits include: 

  • Promotion in NumFOCUS Social media

  • Dedicated blog posts

  • Presentation slots during hackathon

  • Participating in judging submissions 

  • Company logo on our website, and other communications 

We are open to integrating your API or platform into our project challenges and submissions!

Interested in sponsoring? Click Here

PyData Chapters

We encourage PyData chapters to team up with our global, online initiative by organizing a partnering offline edition of the Hackathon. You can think of this partnership as a reverse hybrid event - the main event will be organized online, and the partnering events will be organized offline in different locations worldwide. 

By partnering with the Impact AI Hackathon, your chapter has a great opportunity to participate in a global, diverse, and multicultural event.


Interested in having your chapter participate? More Information



  • Ehizojie Aligbeh

  • Mert Bozkir

  • Videsh Jagai

  • Ernest Kabahima

  • Amogha Kancharla

  • Ghiffary Rifqialdi

  • Jonathan Starr [NumFOCUS]

  • Kamila Stepniowska [NumFOCUS]

  • Maxim Vasiliev

  • Sahana Venkatesh

  • Susie Yu


  • A hackathon is a fast-paced coding event where participants collaborate to create innovative tech solutions within a limited time frame. It's an opportunity to brainstorm ideas, build solutions, make friends, learn new things, and win prizes.

  • There are no official requirements for your team members. However, since the hackathon is AI oriented, we strongly recommend that at least one team member will have some prior experience in AI or data science. We also recommend that your team will consist of at least three members. 

    More good practices on team building will be shared closer to the hackathon day.

  • Yes! There is no cost for participating in NumHack.

    Speakers, mentors, special guests, judges and Committee members are donating their time to make this event happen.

  • Yes, the hackathon is open to anyone who registers by the deadline.

  • No specific skill sets are required! We welcome all skill levels. An opportunity to network and find team members of a similar skill level will be given prior to the hackathon.

  • No. As a non technical team member you will have a great opportunity to bring a perspective of a potential user, support the team in logistics, management, or leadership. Be creative :)

  • NumHack is an online event. Please make sure you will have access to a computer with internet for the duration of the event.

    Software and technical requirements will depend on the category and project you work on. More details coming soon.

  • This event is organized by PyData Impact Scholars, under the NumFOCUS umbrella.

    Learn more about NumFOCUS here 

  • PyData Chapter will cover:

    • Sponsors for the venue and catering

    • Logistics and organization 

    • On-site event coordination and moderation 

    • In-person Mentors 

    • Code of conduct Response Team

    • Marketing and promotion - including the registration process 

    • Format guideline 

    • Planning support 

    • Prize for the winning team 

    • Code of conduct workshop 

    • NumFocus legal representation (e.g. invoices, rent agreement)

  • The PyData Global Impact Scholarship Program is an online upskilling initiative dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in data science and artificial intelligence. The program has been started as a subtrack of PyData Global online conference. 

    Learn more at PyData Global Impact Scholarship Program.

Code of

PyData has an engaged and respectful community made up of people from all over the world. We are committed to creating a productive, professional, and inclusive environment for everyone. All community members are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout the conference, all the hackathon events and online forums. Our code of conduct is strictly enforced.

Do not insult or put down others. Behave professionally. Remember that harassment and sexist, racist, or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate for NumHack.

All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate.

PyData is dedicated to providing a harassment-free community for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of community members in any form.

For the full Code of Conduct, please visit: