Impact AI - Hackathon

An invitation to partner for PyData Chapters

PyData Global Impact Scholarship group (Impact Hackathon Committee), under the NumFOCUS umbrella, plans to organize an online, AI-focused hackathon in the Winter this year. The Hackathon will be open to anyone who registers and forms a team of at least three members. There will be a two-week period prior to the Hackathon for the teams to form. The event will start on Friday and will be closed on Saturday.

We encourage PyData chapters to team up with our global, online initiative by organizing a partnering offline edition of the Hackathon. You can think of this partnership as a reverse hybrid event - the main event will be organized online and the partnering events will be organized offline, in different locations worldwide.

The local, in-person events participants will compete in the global, online NumHack edition.

Similarly to meetups, PyData and NumFOCUS, together with the Impact Hackathon Committee, will support you in providing a format, marketing, and others listed below. At the same time, securing the venue, catering, and other on-site logistics will be on you and your chapter.

By partnering with the Impact AI Hackathon, your chapter has a great opportunity to participate in a global, diverse, and multicultural event.

Partnering PyData chapters will get the following support from 

NumFOCUS & NumHack Committee:

  • Marketing and promotion - including the registration process

  • Format guideline

  • Planning support

  • Code of Conduct workshop

  • NumFOCUS legal representation (e.g., invoices, rent agreement) 

  • Prizes

  • Judges

Your PyData Chapter will cover:

  • Sponsors for the venue and catering 

  • Logistics and organization

  • On-site event coordination and moderation 

  • Code of Conduct Response Team

  • Mentors

Reach out to Kamila Stepniowska ([email protected]) for more information. 

Deadline to submit the form: August 31st, 2024, the end of the day Anywhere on Earth.

Registration Form