Wednesday 10:50 AM–11:25 AM in Main Room

NASA influence on open data projects

Anita Kirkovska

Audience level:


An introduction to the programs of the NASA Open Innovation program. How they guide the citizens to create open sourced projects, using open data provided from NASA special programs and resources. Learn ways how to get involved in the biggest open data NASA programs, such as NASA Space Apps Challenge, Data Fellows or NASA Datanauts. Hear what has been done so far, and who are these projects for.


On this talk, you will hear about the NASA Open Innovation program, a program which goal is to make an open collaboration ecosystem for citizens to collaborate together and create solutions to global challenges. You will hear what has been done over the years, how to get involved and who is this event for. There are a couple of resources and programs built for everyone, no matter the level of technical skills. The programs are open, so everyone is invited to join and innovate for a better tomorrow.

After the introduction of these programs and activities, we will have the honor to have one of the winning teams in Florida to present their solution from the 2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge hackathon held in Orlando, and showcase what they have done and share a bit from their experience.

If you are searching for a collaborative environment to do some open data activities this is the perfect community for you. If you want to tackle global challenges, this is definitely for you. See you!

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