Saturday 11:00–11:45 in Tower Suite 3

Touchdown Localisation with aircraft flight data

Jonathan G. Pelham

Audience level:


How to take data from an aircraft black box and use it in the real world to improve landing safety using python. A discussion of methods, data quality, and finding solutions.


Touchdown Localisation with aircraft flight data

In order to better understand the risks involved in aircraft landing and the different factors that can increase or decrease those risks a better understanding is needed of exactly where the aircraft touched down on on the runway. The current methods have good temporal sensitivity but are inaccurate in determining where the aircraft touched down relative to the runway aim point and to the centreline of the runway.

This research reconstructed a terrain profile of the ground beneath the aircraft flight path and then matched it to a digital terrain model to reconstruct a more accurate ground track and predict where the aircraft touched down relative to the runway. This reconstructed ground track was then compared to the taxiway map as a way of validating the prediction. The results are then plotted for review.

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