Founded by the creators of NumPy, SciPy, and Chaco, Continuum offers Python-based tools and consulting services for the analysis, management and visualization of big data. Continuum’s premier Python distribution, Anaconda, performs high-performance, large data analysis, including statistics, machine learning, and distributed computing. Wakari, Continuum’s newest product, is an online cloud-based Python analytics environment for easy sharing of code, visualizations, IPython Notebooks, data sets and derived data products. Cloud-hosted or installed internally, Wakari allows users to harness Continuum’s full product set, including Anaconda and enterprise-supported Python, from their browsers.
Pivigo is building a data science community, via its training programme Science to Data Science ( and a new, online ecosystem due for launch later this year. Science to Data Science is Europe’s largest Data Science training programme, mixing analytical PhDs with exciting companies, and supporting the career transition from academia to commercial data science. The new ecosystem will be the focal point of the global data science community. Overall, Pivigo’s business is to support the data science community, and the Pivigo team’s passion is working with people.
Pivotal offers a modern approach to technology that organizations need to thrive in a new era of business innovation. Our solutions intersect cloud, big data and agile development, creating a framework that increases data leverage, accelerates application delivery, and decreases costs, while providing enterprises the speed and scale they need to compete.
Adthena is the most powerful Competitive Intelligence solution for search marketers.
Adthena has a unique 'Market-Driven' approach to understanding your competitive landscape without keyword or competitor restrictions. Our patented technologies provide unparalleled accuracy for marketers to understand their competitors' strategies and to gain insights to outperform rivals and ultimately aquiere more customers.
Our mission is to empower marketers to fully understand their competitive landscape through unique insights that enable action.
Founded in 2004, Pluralsight is the global leader in online learning for professional software
developers, IT specialists and creative technologists. As the world’s largest curated professional development platform, the company offers instant access to more than 4,000 courses authored by top experts. With customers in more than 150 countries, Pluralsight serves as a career catalyst, delivering hands-on, practical training for the most in-demand and understaffed jobs of today. For more information, visit
Investment into Digital & Technology at Sainsbury’s has never been greater. The idea is to become ever smarter, ever more savvy, ever more competitive in the marketplace. We’re giving our people all the tools they need to do their jobs better than ever before – and it’s dramatically enriching the shopping experience for our customers.