08:00AM |
Registration and Breakfast
09:00AM |
Keynote: CRISP-DM: The Dominant Process for Data Mining
Meta S. Brown
10:00AM |
A practical guide to conquering social network data
Benjamin Chamberlain, davide donato, Josh Levy-Kramer
Information Surprise or How to Find Data
Oleksandr Pryymak
Localising Organs of the Fetus in MRI Data Using Python
Kevin Keraudren
10:50AM |
Our Data, Ourselves
Giles Greenway
Python for Image and Text Understanding: One Model to rule them all!
Roelof Pieters
Collect and Visualise Metrics With InfluxDB and Grafana
Marek Mroz
11:40AM |
Jointly Embedding knowledge from large graph databases with textual data using deep learning
Armando Vieira
Ship It!
Ian Ozsvald
Constructing protein structural features for Machine Learning.
Ricardo Corral Corral
12:20PM |
01:20PM |
A Fast, Offline Reverse Geocoder in Python
Ajay Thampi
Performance Pandas
Jeff Reback
Hacking Human Language
Hendrik Heuer
02:10PM |
Hierarchical Data Clustering in Python
Frank Kelly
Sudo Make me a (London) Map
Linda Uruchurtu
Jupyter (IPython): how a notebook is changing science
Juan Luis Cano
02:50PM |
Break and Snacks
03:05PM |
A Beginner's Guide to Building Data Pipelines with Luigi
Dylan Barth, Stuart Coleman
Machine Learning with Imbalanced Data Sets
Natalie Hockham
Integration with the Vernacular
James Powell
03:55PM |
Defining Degrees of Separation in Data Classifications Using Predictive Modelling
Yiannis Pavlosoglou, Adam Reviczky, Neri Van Otten
NLP on a Billion Documents: Scalable machine learning with spark
martin goodson
Deploying a Model to Production
Alex Chamberlain
04:35PM |
Lightning Talks
05:35PM |