Kevin Keraudren

Kevin Keraudren

I completed the Engineering curriculum of the Ecole Centrale Paris in 2011 after an MSc in Machine Learning and Computer Vision at Imperial College London. I then joined the Biomedical Image Analysis group at Imperial for a PhD under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Rueckert (Imperial) and Prof. Jo Hajnal (King's), focusing on the automated localisation of organs in fetal MRI. This PhD is nearing towards the end and its main outcome is a pipeline to automatically find the brain, heart, lungs and liver of the fetus in the MRI data. The localisation is carried out in stacks of 2D slices that are successively acquired, and used to initialise a motion correction procedure, which produces a high-resolution volume of the fetal organs.


Localising Organs of the Fetus in MRI Data Using Python

Sunday 10 a.m.–10:40 a.m. in LG6


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