Thursday 3:20 PM–4:05 PM in Plenary Room

IBM Code and Response: Open Sourcing Natural Disaster Preparedness and Relief

Nick Acosta

Audience level:


This talk will provide an overview of the past few years of Call for Code and introduce IBM Code and Response, IBM's effort to enable, deploy, and create innovative solutions to reduce the impact of natural disasters through open source.


Natural disasters are among the world's greatest challenges, and have devastating effects both locally, from the many fires that have occurred in Southern and Northern California (over 17 million acres of land have been lost to wildfire in the US in the last 2 years), and globally. IBM, with help a large partnership group including the United Nations and American Red Cross, developed Call for Code, a global contest challenging developers to build technologies to aide those going through adversity. This talk will provide an overview of the past few years of Call for Code and introduce IBM Code and Response, IBM's effort to enable, deploy, and create innovative solutions to reduce the impact of natural disasters through open source. The talk will also highlight some novel ways developers have used Python in order to accomplish these goals.

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