Philipp Rudiger

A long-term veteran at Anaconda Inc., Philipp Rudiger is a Senior Software Engineer developing open-source and client-specific solutions for data management, visualization and analysis. He is the author of the open source dashboarding and visualization libraries Panel, hvPlot and GeoViews and one of the core developers of Bokeh and HoloViews. Before making the switch to software development he completed a PhD and Masters in Computational Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh working on biologically inspired, deep and recurrent neural network models of the visual system.


Build polished, data-driven applications directly from your Pandas or XArray pipelines

Friday October 29 12:00 PM – Friday October 29 12:30 PM in Talks II

Python Dashboarding Shootout and Showdown

Thursday October 28 2:00 PM – Thursday October 28 4:00 PM in Workshop/Tutorial I