Elisa Celis

Elisa Celis

Elisa Celis is a Senior Research Scientist at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL. Prior to joining EPFL, she worked as a Research Scientist at Xerox Research where she was the worldwide head of the Crowdsourcing and Human Computation research thrust. She received a B.Sci. degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Washington. Her research focuses on studying social and economic questions that arise in the context of the Internet and her work spans multiple areas including fairness in AI/ML, social computing, online learning, network science, and mechanism design. She is the recipient of the Yahoo! Key Challenges Award and the China Theory Week Prize.


Keynote - Fairness and Diversity in Online Social Systems

Sunday 9:00–10:00 in Audimax, Hörsaal 3, Kursraum 1, Kursraum 3

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