Ulrike Thalheim

Ulrike Thalheim

Ulrike Thalheim is an avid member of Berlin's Open Data community since 2014 when she joint the OK Lab. She also serves as one of its 5 co-lab leads. The OK Lab Berlin is one out of more than 20 Open Knowledge Labs around Germany that are all combined together as Code for Germany. Her main interests are digital solutions around migration, election data and fostering a welcoming community. In 2015, she became involved in digital refugee support as she started listing apps and other digital projects that aimed to enhance the situation of refugees and supporters. Since then, she is a member of the metacollect core team that seeks to build up an open data database of all related projects and sharing it with other likeminded websites and data bases. This year, she also very excited about improving the availability and usability of election data. Ulrike is currently working in Market Research and digital consumer protection.


When the grassroots grow stronger - 2017 through the eyes of German open data activists

Sunday 16:00–16:45 in A238

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