Nick Radcliffe

Nick Radcliffe

Nick Radcliffe is founder of Stochastic Solutions Limited, a data analysis consulting and software company based in Edinburgh. He has some 30 years experience analysing large datasets for some of the largest British, European and US companies in the world, including Barclays, T-Mobile, Sainsbury’s Fidelity, Skyscanner, Bank of America and BT. With a background in parallel computing, particle physics and mathematics, he is also a Visiting Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Edinburgh and is the author of numerous technical papers and books.

Particular interests include * test-driven data analysis (bringing all the goodness of test-driven development to the more complex area of data analysis), * uplift modelling (analysing the true inpact of marketing and other per-customer decisions on changing customer behaviour) * adaptive search and optimization


Developments in Test-Driven Data Analysis

Saturday 14:30–15:15 in A208

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