Dr. Kristian Rother

Dr. Kristian Rother

Dr. Kristian Rother is a professional trainer on software development in Python. He earned his PhD mining data on 40000 protein structure models. Afterwards, he moved to Poland for five years, where he led a team of scientific programmers. Kristian quit academia in 2011 and started to work as a trainer. Kristian is giving courses on Python, data analysis and communication in many European countries. He translated books by Wes McKinney and Joel Grus for O'Reilly, and is author of two Python books [[1]]((http://www.academis.eu/publications) [2]. He also contributed to numerous scientific articles and training material on subjects ranging from software engineering to biochemistry. Kristian has been active in public speaking organizations for the past 6 years, where he participated in international speech contests as a contestant and judge. He is running a speaking club in Berlin-Schöneberg. You can find more about Kristian on [www.academis.eu](http://www.academis.eu].


Best Practices for Debugging

Saturday 15:15–16:45 in A239

Best Practices for Debugging

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