Gianluigi Bardelloni

Gianluigi Bardelloni

Currently and proudly working at KPN, I'm an Experimental Physicist turned Software Engineer, once I realized the highly rewarding value of helping people accomplish their professional goals and even make a living with software applications I jointly developed and/or implemented.

20 years work experience as Developer, Business Analyst, Architect, Consultant and finally Data Engineer/Scientist. I started in Remote Control and Data Acquisition with C/LabVIEW and grown through Supply Chain Optimization with Objective-C/Java, Business Intelligence, Data warehousing and Campaigning with Oracle and Teradata. In the last couple of years I'm enjoying Machine Learning and Python to build data applications, helping several KPN business units achieving their ambitious targets: call handling time reduction, contracts management and lead generation, LoRa network monitoring, to name a few.

In my free time I indulge in playing golf and learning more about ML, while listening to contemporary music, lately lot of David Lang, Julia Wolfe and Bang on a Can.


Making contract documents fully searchable at KPN

Saturday 11:45–12:30 in Small Room

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