Ahmet Taspinar

Hi, My name is Ahmet Taspinar.

A few years ago, I graduated at the Applied Physics department of TU Delft and started working as a Software Engineer. After a while I discovered there is a large overlap in the field of Physics and Data Science/Machine Learning and started learning more and more about it.

Currently I am working as a Data Scientist (I still consider myself a Physicist šŸ™‚ ) in the field of Traffic Control and Traffic Management. I have an passion for Data Science, Computer Science and algorithmic modeling. I found out that blogging is great not only to spread knowledge but also to make the topic more clear for myself. From time to time, Iā€™m organizing or helping with DS hackathons with the Eindhoven Data Science group, and my employer CGI.


Using deep learning in natural language processing: explaining Google's Neural Machine Translation

Sunday 15:15–16:00 in Small Room

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