Photo of Krystian Zieliński

Krystian Zieliński

Basic information : My name is Krystian, I'm from Dobre Miasto nearby Olsztyn and I'm 23yo data science passionate. Education : I've graduated Math at University of Gdańsk with the score of 5, the object of my work was related to topology and Tietze extension theorem. Currently I'm studying Computer Science and Econometrics with specialization of Big Data on University of Gdańsk, mostly focusing on using Unsupervised Neural Networks and Machine learning algorithms for outliers detection. Work experience : I have started my career in PwC, Financial Crime Unit. After a half year of working in Operation Stream I've moved to Technology Stream. Currently I'm on Junior Data Science grade, and topic of my work is related to using AI and Machine Learning for predictive models. We use programming languages and technologies such as : -Python -R (also Shiny R) -MS SQL -Docker


TrashAsistant: A kivy App, which uses Deep Neural Networks, for helping trash segregation

Thursday 15:00–15:30 in Main Track

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