Piotr is currently Programmer/Analyst in Datainvest R&D Poland and an Assistant Professor in Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements Poland. He received his B.S. and M.S. degree in electronics and telecommunication in 2008 from the University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland. He received Ph.D. in Control Engineering and Robotics from Polish Academy of Science in 2013. His Ph.D. Thesis received two awards:2nd award for best Ph.D. Thesis in Control Engineering and Robotics “Young Innovative 2013” and a Honorable mention in the competition for the 2013 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence. His current research interests concentrate on evolutionary computation methods and anomaly detection.
Wednesday 10:00–12:00 in Track 1
Wednesday 12:45–14:45 in Track 1
Wednesday 15:15–17:15 in Track 1