Friday 1:15 PM–2:45 PM in Theater

Build Data Apps by Deploying ML Models as API Services

Ramesh Sampath

Audience level:


As data scientists, we love building models using IPython Notebooks / Scikit-Learn / Pandas eco-system. But integrating these models with an web app can be a challenge. In this tutorial, we will take our machine learn ing models and make them available as APIs for use by Web and Mobile Apps. We will also build a simple webapp that uses our prediction service.


Deploy your ML Models as a Service

In this talk, we will learn one way to take our Machine Learning models and make them available as a Prediction Service. We will work through the following steps.

  • Create a Simple Machine learning Model using Scikit-Learn / Pandas
  • Pickle the model
  • Using Tornado Web App, Make this model available as an API Service
  • Build an Web App that uses this deployed Model
  • Add Authentication to our Prediction API
  • Optionally, add Redis to Cache Prediction Results
  • Deploy the model in the Cloud (AWS)

Please have Anaconda or Miniconda installed on your local machine. I will mostly be using Python 3.5, but Python 2.7 should be fine as well.