Sunday 2:45 PM–3:30 PM in Theater

Altair: Declarative, Statistical Visualization for Python

Brian E. Granger

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Altair is a declarative statistical visualization library for Python. Altair provides a user-centric Python API on top of the declarative visualization stack of Vega-Lite, Vega and D3.js. A wide range of statistical visualizations can be created with only a few carefully design abstractions.


Altair provides a Python API for building statistical visualizations in a declarative manner. By statistical visualization we mean:

  • The data source is a DataFrame that consists of columns of different data types (quantitative, ordinal, nominal and date/time).
  • The DataFrame is in a tidy format where the rows correspond to samples and the columns correspond the observed variables.
  • The data is mapped to the visual properties (position, color, size, shape, faceting, etc.) using the group-by operation of Pandas and SQL.

The Altair API contains no actual visualization rendering code but instead emits JSON data structures following the Vega-Lite specification. For convenience, Altair can optionally use ipyvega to display client-side renderings seamlessly in the Jupyter notebook.

Altair has the following features:

  • Carefully-designed, declarative Python API based on traitlets.
  • Auto-generated internal Python API that guarantees visualizations are type-checked and in full conformance with the Vega-Lite specification.
  • Auto-generate Altair Python code from a Vega-Lite JSON spec.
  • Display visualizations in the live Jupyter Notebook, on GitHub and nbviewer.
  • Export visualizations to PNG images, stand-alone HTML pages and the Online Vega-Lite Editor.
  • Serialize visualizations as JSON files.
  • Explore Altair with 40 example datasets and over 70 examples.

Altair is developed by Brian Granger and Jake Vanderplas in close collaboration with the UW Interactive Data Lab.