Sujit Pal

Sujit Pal

Sujit Pal is a Technology Research Director at Elsevier Labs, a research group within the Reed Elsevier Group of companies. His current interest is applying Deep Learning (DL) techniques to extract actionable intelligence from images and text from scientific and medical literature. He arrived at this point from Information Retrieval, as a search engineer who became interested in Natural Language Processing (NLP) as a way to improve search, Machine Learning (ML) as a way to improve NLP, and DL as a more powerful way to do ML. He writes about technology on his blog Salmon Run, and has recently co-authored the book Deep Learning with Keras, published by PackT Publishing.


Applying the four-step "Embed, Encode, Attend, Predict" framework to predict document similarity

Thursday 2:50 PM–3:35 PM in Track 2 - Kodiak

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