08:00AM |
Registration and Breakfast
09:00AM |
Keynote: Clouded Intelligence
Joseph Sirosh
09:50AM |
Sparkling Pandas - Letting Pandas Roam on Spark DataFrames
Holden Karau
Building TaxBrain: Numba-enabled Financial Computing on the Web
T.J. Alumbaugh
Investigating User Experience with Natural Language Analysis
Stephanie Kim
Accelerate data analytics and Python performance with Intel® software (Sponsor Talk)
Sergey Maidanov
10:40AM |
Memex: Mining the Dark Web
Katrina Riehl
Who needs users? Just simulate them!
Chris Harland
The past, present, and future of Jupyter and IPython
Jonathan Frederic
Mixed-language Python/C++ debugging with Python Tools for Visual Studio (Sponsor Talk)
Pavel Minaev
11:30AM |
Saving Lives with Data: Python and Global Health
Kyle Foreman
From DataFrames to Interactive Web Applications in 10 minutes
Adam Hajari
An Intuitive Introduction to the Fourier Transform and FFT
William Cox
Anaconda Cluster Use Case (Sponsor Talk)
Peter Steinberg
12:10PM |
01:05PM |
Keynote: Computation at the edges
Van Lindberg
01:50PM |
Straight, White Males Should Advocate for Diversity
Tony Wieczorek
What's coming in Python 3.5 (and why you should be excited)
Steve Dower
Deep Learning with Python: getting started and getting from ideas to insights in minutes
Alex Korbonits
SFrame and SGraph: Scalable External Memory Data Frame and Graph Structures for Machine Learning
Jay (Haijie) Gu
02:40PM |
Testing for Data Scientists
Trey Causey
Trend Estimation in Time Series Signals
Bugra Akyildiz
When is it good to be bad? How do hockey penalties affect the outcome of the game?
Wendy Grus
Using Python and Azure Machine Learning (Sponsor Talk)
Chris Wilcox
03:30PM |
Break and Snacks
03:45PM |
Panel /Group Discussion: “Using, contributing to, and integrating open source"
Accelerating the Random Forest algorithm for commodity parallel hardware
Mark Seligman
Supernova Cosmology with python
Rahul Biswas
Brains & Brawn: the Logic and Implementation of a Redesigned Advertising Marketplace (Sponsor Talk)
Stephanie Tzeng, Sal Rinchiera
04:35PM |
Blaze and Odo
Phillip Cloud
Hack the Derivative
Erik Taubeneck
Learning Data Science Using Functional Python
Joel Grus
University of Washington eScience Institute (Sponsor Talk)
Jake VanderPlas
05:25PM |
Building a JIT for Python
Dino Viehland
Democratizing Data Science
Benjamin Mako Hill, Tommy Guy
Swarm Intelligence Optimization using Python
James McCaffrey
Jupyter for Education: Beyond Gutenberg and Erasmus
Paco Nathan
06:05PM |