Francesc Alted

I am an independent consultant and developer with more than 25 years of experience wrestling with Big Data in many different ways, as well as leveraging compression techniques for accelerating I/O.

I am the main author of the ultra-fast Blosc compressor that has become the basis for some novel and innovative libraries in the I/O space. Also, I have created projects like PyTables, bcolz and Caterva, a C library on top of Blosc2 that implements a simple multidimensional container for compressed binary data. It adds the capability to store, manipulate, and transform data in these containers, either in-memory or on-disk.


Improve the efficiency of your Big Data application

Tuesday 10:05 AM–10:45 AM in Winter Garden (5412)

What's now in NumFOCUS projects? (Part 1)

Monday 2:50 PM–3:30 PM in Broadway (5202)

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