Christian Hennig

Christian Hennig

Christian Hennig is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Statistical Science, University College London. Previous affiliations were the Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH Zuerich and the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Hamburg. He is currently Secretary on the International Federation of Classification Societies. His main research interests are cluster analysis, philosophy of statistics, robust statistics, multivariate analysis, data visualization, and model selection. His work covers theoretical and applied statistics as well as the foundations and the philosophical background of statistics. He has published more than 50 papers in journals including the Annals of Statistics, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Journal of the American Statistical Association and Foundations of Science. He was invited speaker and session organiser on many conferences including the ISI 2015 in Rio de Janeiro and the IFCS 2006 in Ljubljana. He is Associate Editor of four journals in the area of statistics and data analysis. He gave statistical advice to more than 100 clients from a wide range of application areas.


Assessing the quality of a clustering

Sunday 10:00–10:45 in LG6