Moreno Bonaventura

Moreno Bonaventura

I joined Queen Mary University of London in 2012 as PhD student in Applied Mathematics with project titled "Time Varying Complex Networks" supervised by Prof. Vito Latora. I took my master degree in Theoretical Physics from the University of Catania.

In 2013 I founded the company Startup Network s.r.l, which provides data-driven approaches to support investment decisions in start-ups. Check out our latest project made in collaboration with the Complex System and Network Group at QMUL.

In 2014/15 I created the python package NetworkL which supports the manipulation and efficient (L)ongitudinal analysis of large-scale time-varying graphs. NetworkL reduces main-memory usage up to 50% and performs re-computation of shortest paths in centiseconds no matter the size of the graph!


The NetworkL python package

Saturday 11:00–11:45 in Dining