Sunday 9:00 AM–10:30 AM in Popovich Hall, Room 110

Introduction to Data Manipulation and Visualizations in R

David Sung 🌴

Audience level:


In this tutorial, attendees will learn basic data manipulation and visualizations in R using popular packages such as dplyr and ggplot. This workshop is designed for individuals with little to no background in computer programming or for those who want to get started in R.


1. R Studio Overview

A basic overview of the different panels and functions of R Studio will be given

2. R Overview (Functions, data types, assigning variables)

An overview of how to use functions, assigning variables, and the different data types and structures such as column vectors, data frames, strings, and numerics will be explained

3. Importing a dataset

Attendees will learn how to import an excel or CSV file into R.

4. dplyr tutorial

Attendees will get to learn then try the different functions of dplyr including mutate(), select(), filter(), summarise(), and arrange(). Attendees will also learn the concept and application of piping.

5. ggplot tutorial

Attendees learn the parameters to input into 'ggplot' to construct and design different plots such as bar charts, scatter plots, box and whiskers, and more.

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