PyData Global Sprints

(December 6-8)

Every year, PyData Global hosts sprints, where we work together on open source projects to push our ecosystem forward. Sprints are an engaging part of the conference, where all are welcome to exchange ideas, hack on exciting projects, and create new connections. All programming levels are welcome.  

Each sprint will have a project maintainer leading the sprint to help guide contributors throughout the session. Sprints are a development opportunity to enhance and contribute to open source in a focused session with the project maintainers. It’s a fun exercise that moves the projects forward through community participation. 

Projects: Panel, Matplotlib, Naas, PyMC & Arviz

Sprint Schedule

Time  Project  Description Link to Join 
Wednesday, 13:00-17:00 UTC
Panel Panel is an open-source Python library that lets you easily build powerful tools, dashboards and complex applications entirely in Python. It has a batteries-included philosophy, putting the PyData ecosystem, powerful data tables and much more at your fingertips. High-level reactive APIs and lower-level callback based APIs ensure you can quickly build exploratory applications, but you aren’t limited if you build complex, multi-page apps with rich interactivity. Panel is a member of the HoloViz ecosystem, your gateway into a connected ecosystem of data exploration tools.

Sprint Leaders 

Andrew Huang ( 

Panel Zoom

Wednesday & Thursday, 18:00-22:00 UTC PyMC, Arviz, & PyTensor

PyMC is a Python-based statistical modeling tool for Bayesian statistical modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning which focuses on advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational fitting algorithms.

ArviZ is a unified codebase for Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models.

PyTensor is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize/rewrite, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently.

Sprint Leaders

Christian Luhmann
Purna Chandra Mansingh
Jesse Grabowski

PyMC Zoom (Wed)

PyMC Zoom (Thurs)

Friday, 13:00-16:00 UTC Naas Naas is building a universal data & platform: a simple chat interface to interact with LLMs paired with a low-code orchestration system based on 3 layers of abstraction on top of JupyterLab ( These layers include DevOps features (naas library: scheduler, pipeline, asset sharing, webhook, notifications) Data Engineering features (naas_drivers library, wrappers on top of tools API to output data frames), and a Notebook Templates catalog treating notebooks as logic gates rather than exploratory documents (each notebook templates is structured the same way: input/model/output). Templates can be searched on github or via

Sprint Options

Sprint Leaders

Jeremy Ravenel (

Naas Zoom

Friday, 18:00-22:00 UTC Matplotlib Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

Contributors are welcome to work on any part of Matplotlib that they wish to improve. We have a curated set of ("Good First Issue") labelled tasks for those looking to get started. In particular, we
will be encouraging working on ([#26864]) which is an issue with many smaller parts (and previously opened example PRs) helping to improve our tests of our unit handling capabilities.

Sprint Leaders

Kyle Sunden (@ksunden on github)

Matplotlib Zoom

Sprints FAQs

Who can participate? 

Everyone is invited and welcome to participate. ALL experience levels are encouraged to join. Contribution guides and environment setup instructions are provided with each sprint.

Sprint Schedule

Sprints will be held concurrently during the three days of PyData Global programming. The schedule will be announced prior to the start of the event. Instructions for joining will be emailed to all attendees.

Communications Channels

Discord - Join the PyData Global Discord. Each sprint will have a channel and contributors should enroll to have a space to discuss and collaborate.

Zoom - There will be a dedicated zoom session for each sprint where everyone will meet to kick off the session. Zoom links will be made available with the announcement of the schedule prior to the conference.

What are the benefits of Sprinting? 

  • Make open source better!

  • Code alongside package authors/contributors, while learning from them.

  • Become a power user of a core package by gaining a deeper understanding of its inner workings.

  • Improve your github profile.

  • Get to know other community members around the world!