Suliman Sharif

I am this odd blend of engineer/scientist/entreprenuer. Through education and research I have been part of many chemistry labs from natural products to inorganic metal frameworks to medicinal chemistry. As a result of my research in chemistry I picked up scientific programming which led into my trade as a software engineer.

In my recent position at Lab7 Systems I have adopted both the role of a scientist and a software engineer learning how to integrate experiment workflows into our application and also develop software adequate to meet the needs of the customers. My most recent academic research has been in the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. Where I work on machine representation of organic compounds and hig hthroughput data management and visual intepretation.

I am also writing communication dictionaries between science groups.

My life science entrepreneurship comes from myself wanting to grow the Biotech scene here in Austin and also the scientific software community online.

My recent venture into Hackathon spawned up LifeSciHack 2019 | An effort to help teach and innovate new projects combining software engineering and life science.

I am an advocate for public policy in the life sciences and open source scientific software. I have recently signed the Science Code Manifesto and shaping my own personal projects for easy-to-use and well tested scientific code.



Using a Pythonic Compass to Link the Physics Community to the Chemistry Community

Friday October 29 8:00 PM – Friday October 29 8:30 PM in Talks II