Martin Durant

Open Source contributor and community advocate. Former astrophysicist, data scientist and medical imaging researcher.

Has been involved in - training for python programming courses (intensive on-site and remote, numerical python, visualisation and machine learning) and course development, - consultant work for external client, - proprietary software development (anaconda-cluster, anaconda-enterprise-notebooks, AE5) - conda packaging - design of anaconda-navigator - lead developer of open source projects Intake, fsspec, fastparquet with millions of downloads - core contributor to Dask, zarr, high profile python data processing software


All you need is zarr.: Parallel access to remote HDF5, TIFF, grib2 and others.

Friday October 29 7:00 PM – Friday October 29 7:30 PM in Talks I

Data Processing at Scale

Friday October 29 2:00 PM – Friday October 29 4:00 PM in Workshop/Tutorial I