Friday October 29 8:30 AM – Friday October 29 9:00 AM in Talks II

ML in Production – Serverless and Painless

Oliver Gindele

Prior knowledge:
Previous knowledge expected
Machine Learning Lifecycle, Basic Python, Basics of cloud computing


Productionising machine learning pipelines can be a daunting and difficult task for Data Scientists.. In this session, Oliver will walk through some of the best serverless options on how to put python based ML pipelines into operation in the cloud.


Productionising machine learning pipelines can be a daunting and difficult task for Data Scientists. Fortunately, many novel tools and technologies have become available in the past years to address this issue and make it easier than ever to deploy ML models into production, without the need to configure servers. In this session, Oliver will walk through some of the best serverless options on how to operationalize ML pipelines within the Tensorflow ecosystem and on Google Cloud Platform, based on actual case studies.

One of these real-life case studies will dive into the journey of a global cosmetics brand to become packaging-free with the help of ML. The first step towards this goal allows customers to view product information simply by taking a picture. This completely eliminates the need for packaging and labels in stores. However, in order to do this effectively, an accurate image classification model, accessible on mobile phones, is needed. This session will cover the details of the end-to-end machine learning pipeline that was created to deliver and update performance ML models to mobile users.