Automatic body part recognition for medical images with python

Sarah Schuhegger

Prior knowledge:
No previous knowledge expected


For analyzing, sorting, and annotating large medical datasets it is of special interest to automatically determine the visible body part since this information is typically not sufficiently described in the image meta-data. In this talk, I will present the python package bpreg which I developed in connection with my master thesis to automatically recognize the scanned body part in CT images.


For analyzing, sorting, and annotating large medical datasets it is of special interest to automatically determine the visible body part since this information is typically not sufficiently described in the image meta-data. In this talk, I will present you the python package Body Part Regression, which I developed in connection with my master thesis to automatically recognize the scanned body part in CT images. Through a live demonstration, you will obtain a good insight into how you can use the package yourself to analyze your medical datasets. We will go into 3 application examples in more depth:

  1. Predicting the visible body part in a CT image.
  2. Automatically cropping CT images to a required body region.
  3. Automatically finding corrupted CT images.

The notebook to the presentation can be found here.